I AM FINE They say that the 3 most powerful words are:
The 3 hardest words to say are:
And the 3 most destructive words are:
In retrospect, 'Tis true. We have a habit of dishing out servings of "I'm fine" as a staple answer to questions ranging from a quick nod & a casual "Hello. How are you?"to probing inquisitions that starts with "Hey. Are you OK?" followed by a not-so-subtle-look of suspicion.
The degree of being just fine varies from "honest-to-goodness" fine to "who-are-you-kidding" fine. Yip, believe it or not, there's a whole spectrum of "fine-ness". IKR. I pick up things like this on my emotional radar. LOL). :p
So… well and good if you really are; too bad if you're obviously not and you're just trying on sarcasm for kicks. But you see, it's the grey areas that can get pre-tty scary sometimes. Because when you try to project a strong facade when in fact, you're breaking inside… when you choose to live in a world of make believe and pretend that everybody's fine when they're not… and when you'd rather be a coward than own up to your fears… You, my friend, are headed for T-R-O-U-B-L-E faster than you can say "nah!".
There are a million and one reasons why we hide behind the curtain of the proverbial "I'm fine" excuse; some of them immeasurably valid. But sometimes acknowledging that we are not, can mean freedom. Truth be told, we are not perfect – we fumble, we fall, we make a mess of our lives and we are not ALWAYS fine. Not all the time. But guess what? It's OK. That doesn't make us a bad person, it only makes us human.
There's no quick fix, short-cut or on-the-spot solution to this either. It's better to humbly face the truth about ourselves… the truth will set us free but it often makes us miserable first. Only when God shine's the light of His truth on our faults, failures and hang-ups can we begin working on them. So, be patient with yourself and be patient with God.
"Our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives and we become like him." (Ephesians 4-13)
So here's what I have to say if you ask how I am:
Thank you for asking. I'm fine.. though not all the time.
(Please be patient, God is not finished with me YET!)