General characteristics of the sign Libra:
Libra are focussed on the other, the surroundings, and the company. (didn’t quite get this) They are social, honest, like to have contact with people. They are not very good at living alone. Are inclined to do what others want, to spoil the others and to get along with them (in short… uto-uto. =) so far, so true). They have little willpower and perseverance (uyy! Di naman!). They can put themselves in somebody else's shoes, can’t stand discord, want to keep the peace al the time (peace men). They want order and rule in their life and try to avoid unpleasant situations at any price and like to be honest. They become nervous by controversy and violence, can’t live in disharmony and uncivilised surroundings i They have an aversion for ugly objects, rough language, bad manners and inappropriate colours (bawal ang chaka! Arte talaga!hehe). They love having others do things for them, like to be spoiled and always have someone around who will do the dirty and nasty jobs for them(if you can get away with it, why not?!?). It is their charming nature that gets away with it(Whaaaaat?!?!?). They stand up for those who have been treated wrongly (This I can vouch for. Saktan nyo na ako wag lang ang mga taong mahal ko. Or kahit sa common tao, when I see that the game is played unfairly... warfreak mode na ito!). They are very good defenders, adjudicators, and mediators. They can bring parties together again. They are balance-seekers, make compromises gladly and speak through their hearts, not only emotionally but also intellectually (finally! A note on ones intellectual capacity. Something worth mentioning). They don’t condemn, they are peacemakers. They are always pleasant and polite, of good will and give in easily, but they are not always real. They can say one thing, but mean something else (doble-kara? Di naman. Siguro at times, when we don’t want to hurt the other person’s feelings, we tend to “sugarcoat” the things that we say.Sortakinda wthitelie lang kumbaga). They talk around a subject but they never say what they really want(hehe. Minsan kasi dyahe aminin yung totoong nararamdaman. Especially when you know that the other person doesn’t reciprocate your feelings. Mag-beat around the bush nalang). They love material goods, are good in arranging a house and have good taste (nice…). It comes out in the feeling for colours and proportions. They love beautiful things, have an eye for quality; only want to buy the most expensive and best things (some things you go for quality and aesthetic value, but some things you just have to go with practicality). They also love physical beauty; a partner must be especially good looking and be a "somebody"(hehe… I plead guilty as charged. Partner has to be at least cute. Hehe.). Many Libras are mannequins. They love a quiet and pleasant life, can be artistic, often play piano or violin and love flower arrangements (Martha Stewart is that you?!)). They like to talk and negotiate, consider things, reconsider, exchange views/ideas. A Libra has difficulties in making decisions, must always weigh one's words, must always compare (tumpak!). They are always in company, can walk along with anybody, especially with those who are wealthy or who are "important"(Important: “Company” must be able to indulge in a voracious tirade of ideas. Social status is definitely NOT an issue. Basta non-sensical and provocative yung discussion… go ako! I hate boring people. But even worse are those that talk in circles. Yung walang pinatutunguhan usapan kasi paulit-ulit lang). But they also need time for themselves. Music is very important for Libra, they love it and it gives them energy and inner balance (just recently discovered the beauty of music and the serenity it offers. Book person kasi ako e). They also love beautiful soft colours (just as long as it’s purple, lilac, violet, periwinkle. hehe). They lack self-confidence, always need a pat on the back, always need to be encouraged and when that does not happen, they become uncertain and depressed (Define insecure!). They are never aggressive but can be quite negative (At pessimistic pa!). They need confirmation constantly. That uncertainty comes to the foreground especially if they have to make a decision. They can’t make decisions and can’t choose (Oo noh! Lalo na if ang choices ranges from the super cool strappy sandals that I so wanted and the platform shoes that matches my new top. Major shopping dilemma. Solution: Buy both! Always works! Never fails). They attach too much importance to material things, and therefore neglect the intellectual life (Gusto mo away! Ano daw?! Over my dead gorgeous body! Will never be an airhead!). It’s easy to flatter them (true. Mababw lang kaligayahan ko e); they can’t stand criticism, especially not from their friends (ouch!). Of all the signs Libra are the ones who can enjoy life the most. They are very pleasant people to get along with. They can sacrifice themselves to keep the peace and approach people with kindness (As I’ve said, great love are measured in great sacrifices). They don’t lack friends, are generally popular. They always looks well, are generally good looking, might have a dimple in the chin or in the cheeks (haba ng hair!). They are charming and quickly become the centre of attention in a group. They love flirting and showing themselves off (uhmm..dati siguro). They are very good in taking the initiative in a relationship (yep!). They love getting attention and are the life of a party. One of their big fears is not being accepted by others, it’s terrible for them when they are ignored (Super KSP talaga! Pero di nga, sometimes kaya I hesitate to make the first move to greet someone dahil sa fear of rejection). If they can hang around whilst visiting someone, then they are in their element. Libra uses their charms to reach their aim (Have yet to fully discover this awesome power!). They can make you fall in love with them to get what they want (Nyak!). They can also let others do things that they dare not do themselves (Charm and hypnotism?!? Hmmm….). Then they can make a helpless impression but in the meantime everything gets done (damsel-in-distress?). They never quarrel but will let a person know, in a sensitive way, that they are not happy.
In a profession, Libra need work in which they can be creative. A profession that has to do with acting (?!?-never in my wildest dreams!), which would suit them, or working with soft beautiful material(mananahi?). They can also have talent in the musical area (this definitely evaded me! can’t carry a tune.hehe). They are very suitable for work in which they can express their charms(that word again!). Such as hostess or host, T.V.- announcer, guide or receptionist in i.e. a hotel. Also for professions which have to do with appearances (whaaaaaaattt?!?), i.e. beauty care, plastic surgery, make-up artist, or the making of beautiful hairpieces, and of course also in professions in which they can mediate. They are very hospitable, and tend to spoil their guests. What they like the most is having dinner outside, be well dressed, show them off, to be served, preferably with a good-looking partner, and rather in a restaurant where you can meet important or well-known people (socialera!). They also love to go to openings. They feel themselves at ease everywhere (artistahin pa!). They love to flirt and being in love (Need I say more?). That is very important for Libra (Bow.).
The health of Libra
Libra's weakest spots are the eyes, the kidneys, and they can suffer from gout, cold on the bladder (?!?), kidney inflammation, migraine, and problems with blood circulation. Libra is sensitive for draught(huh?). Because of this they can easily get a throat or ear inflammation. If they get too tired Libra can get into trouble with intestinal/abdominal disorders (pakikonek nga po…pagod tsaka sakit sa tyan.). They can suffer from depression and can’t see the light of day from time to time (haha. guilty as charged). If they get love and attention, this can pass quickly (in short, KSP). Libra can suffer if there is no LOVE in their life (para namang sobrang desperado na ang dramang ito). Libra doesn’t give too much attention to food (ang sekreto sa pagpapapayat!); relationships and parties are more important (di naman masyado…slight lang). They must watch out for cosmetic remedies, this can cause skin problems. Lots of sleep and rest is a must. Libra needs the sun and especially contact with others. The sport which suits Libra the best is: dancing (no objections on this one) and figure skating (I used to dream of being a figure skater…feeling ko ako yung bida sa Ice Castles; but never did have the time to even don a pair of skates), at least if they can show discipline.
External characteristic:
Often a beautiful body, tall and slim. Generally dark hair and dark eyes, straight nose, an honest and open glance. Harmonious facial features. Dimple in the chin or cheeks. – Shocks! na-shy naman ako. Pero, straight nose? Nah! At least, 9/10 ako. =) …’chos!
Violist (?!?), hairdresser, jeweller, diplomat, actor (?@#!?), receptionist, auctioneer, appraiser, hostess, make-up artist, TV announcer, photographic model(ano daw?!?), plastic surgeon, artist, guide, lawyer, judge. Employment agency, marriage bureau, beauty specialist, ballet dancer. Salesman of luxuriously articles or home furnishing. Professions where beauty (ows?!?)and contractual qualities play a role.
Love life:
It is not easy for Libra to live alone, they need somebody else to feel happy, need a lot of attention and compliments, want to be desired most of the time and to be attached and adored (painstakingly true!matulog nga lang mag-isa di ko carry…dati. huhuhu)Libra will find another lover if there is a quarrel and disharmony or when the attention to the relationship diminishes (I beg to differ ha.). Libra has the inclination to spoil the loved one (super spoiled...as in! Talk about generosity). They love to have a partner who is wealthy, because they need much for themselves, loves luxury, beautiful things, nice and expensive food and especially beautiful clothes(ano ito!gold-digger ang drama? “Loves beautiful clothes”-dito lang tumama eh! ). Libra are condescending, even-tempered, elusive, need harmonious relationships, are attentive in love(oh so true), but not always faithful(oist! Soooo not true! Forever faithful ako!).
Libra are focussed on the other, the surroundings, and the company. (didn’t quite get this) They are social, honest, like to have contact with people. They are not very good at living alone. Are inclined to do what others want, to spoil the others and to get along with them (in short… uto-uto. =) so far, so true). They have little willpower and perseverance (uyy! Di naman!). They can put themselves in somebody else's shoes, can’t stand discord, want to keep the peace al the time (peace men). They want order and rule in their life and try to avoid unpleasant situations at any price and like to be honest. They become nervous by controversy and violence, can’t live in disharmony and uncivilised surroundings i They have an aversion for ugly objects, rough language, bad manners and inappropriate colours (bawal ang chaka! Arte talaga!hehe). They love having others do things for them, like to be spoiled and always have someone around who will do the dirty and nasty jobs for them(if you can get away with it, why not?!?). It is their charming nature that gets away with it(Whaaaaat?!?!?). They stand up for those who have been treated wrongly (This I can vouch for. Saktan nyo na ako wag lang ang mga taong mahal ko. Or kahit sa common tao, when I see that the game is played unfairly... warfreak mode na ito!). They are very good defenders, adjudicators, and mediators. They can bring parties together again. They are balance-seekers, make compromises gladly and speak through their hearts, not only emotionally but also intellectually (finally! A note on ones intellectual capacity. Something worth mentioning). They don’t condemn, they are peacemakers. They are always pleasant and polite, of good will and give in easily, but they are not always real. They can say one thing, but mean something else (doble-kara? Di naman. Siguro at times, when we don’t want to hurt the other person’s feelings, we tend to “sugarcoat” the things that we say.Sortakinda wthitelie lang kumbaga). They talk around a subject but they never say what they really want(hehe. Minsan kasi dyahe aminin yung totoong nararamdaman. Especially when you know that the other person doesn’t reciprocate your feelings. Mag-beat around the bush nalang). They love material goods, are good in arranging a house and have good taste (nice…). It comes out in the feeling for colours and proportions. They love beautiful things, have an eye for quality; only want to buy the most expensive and best things (some things you go for quality and aesthetic value, but some things you just have to go with practicality). They also love physical beauty; a partner must be especially good looking and be a "somebody"(hehe… I plead guilty as charged. Partner has to be at least cute. Hehe.). Many Libras are mannequins. They love a quiet and pleasant life, can be artistic, often play piano or violin and love flower arrangements (Martha Stewart is that you?!)). They like to talk and negotiate, consider things, reconsider, exchange views/ideas. A Libra has difficulties in making decisions, must always weigh one's words, must always compare (tumpak!). They are always in company, can walk along with anybody, especially with those who are wealthy or who are "important"(Important: “Company” must be able to indulge in a voracious tirade of ideas. Social status is definitely NOT an issue. Basta non-sensical and provocative yung discussion… go ako! I hate boring people. But even worse are those that talk in circles. Yung walang pinatutunguhan usapan kasi paulit-ulit lang). But they also need time for themselves. Music is very important for Libra, they love it and it gives them energy and inner balance (just recently discovered the beauty of music and the serenity it offers. Book person kasi ako e). They also love beautiful soft colours (just as long as it’s purple, lilac, violet, periwinkle. hehe). They lack self-confidence, always need a pat on the back, always need to be encouraged and when that does not happen, they become uncertain and depressed (Define insecure!). They are never aggressive but can be quite negative (At pessimistic pa!). They need confirmation constantly. That uncertainty comes to the foreground especially if they have to make a decision. They can’t make decisions and can’t choose (Oo noh! Lalo na if ang choices ranges from the super cool strappy sandals that I so wanted and the platform shoes that matches my new top. Major shopping dilemma. Solution: Buy both! Always works! Never fails). They attach too much importance to material things, and therefore neglect the intellectual life (Gusto mo away! Ano daw?! Over my dead gorgeous body! Will never be an airhead!). It’s easy to flatter them (true. Mababw lang kaligayahan ko e); they can’t stand criticism, especially not from their friends (ouch!). Of all the signs Libra are the ones who can enjoy life the most. They are very pleasant people to get along with. They can sacrifice themselves to keep the peace and approach people with kindness (As I’ve said, great love are measured in great sacrifices). They don’t lack friends, are generally popular. They always looks well, are generally good looking, might have a dimple in the chin or in the cheeks (haba ng hair!). They are charming and quickly become the centre of attention in a group. They love flirting and showing themselves off (uhmm..dati siguro). They are very good in taking the initiative in a relationship (yep!). They love getting attention and are the life of a party. One of their big fears is not being accepted by others, it’s terrible for them when they are ignored (Super KSP talaga! Pero di nga, sometimes kaya I hesitate to make the first move to greet someone dahil sa fear of rejection). If they can hang around whilst visiting someone, then they are in their element. Libra uses their charms to reach their aim (Have yet to fully discover this awesome power!). They can make you fall in love with them to get what they want (Nyak!). They can also let others do things that they dare not do themselves (Charm and hypnotism?!? Hmmm….). Then they can make a helpless impression but in the meantime everything gets done (damsel-in-distress?). They never quarrel but will let a person know, in a sensitive way, that they are not happy.
In a profession, Libra need work in which they can be creative. A profession that has to do with acting (?!?-never in my wildest dreams!), which would suit them, or working with soft beautiful material(mananahi?). They can also have talent in the musical area (this definitely evaded me! can’t carry a tune.hehe). They are very suitable for work in which they can express their charms(that word again!). Such as hostess or host, T.V.- announcer, guide or receptionist in i.e. a hotel. Also for professions which have to do with appearances (whaaaaaaattt?!?), i.e. beauty care, plastic surgery, make-up artist, or the making of beautiful hairpieces, and of course also in professions in which they can mediate. They are very hospitable, and tend to spoil their guests. What they like the most is having dinner outside, be well dressed, show them off, to be served, preferably with a good-looking partner, and rather in a restaurant where you can meet important or well-known people (socialera!). They also love to go to openings. They feel themselves at ease everywhere (artistahin pa!). They love to flirt and being in love (Need I say more?). That is very important for Libra (Bow.).
The health of Libra
Libra's weakest spots are the eyes, the kidneys, and they can suffer from gout, cold on the bladder (?!?), kidney inflammation, migraine, and problems with blood circulation. Libra is sensitive for draught(huh?). Because of this they can easily get a throat or ear inflammation. If they get too tired Libra can get into trouble with intestinal/abdominal disorders (pakikonek nga po…pagod tsaka sakit sa tyan.). They can suffer from depression and can’t see the light of day from time to time (haha. guilty as charged). If they get love and attention, this can pass quickly (in short, KSP). Libra can suffer if there is no LOVE in their life (para namang sobrang desperado na ang dramang ito). Libra doesn’t give too much attention to food (ang sekreto sa pagpapapayat!); relationships and parties are more important (di naman masyado…slight lang). They must watch out for cosmetic remedies, this can cause skin problems. Lots of sleep and rest is a must. Libra needs the sun and especially contact with others. The sport which suits Libra the best is: dancing (no objections on this one) and figure skating (I used to dream of being a figure skater…feeling ko ako yung bida sa Ice Castles; but never did have the time to even don a pair of skates), at least if they can show discipline.
External characteristic:
Often a beautiful body, tall and slim. Generally dark hair and dark eyes, straight nose, an honest and open glance. Harmonious facial features. Dimple in the chin or cheeks. – Shocks! na-shy naman ako. Pero, straight nose? Nah! At least, 9/10 ako. =) …’chos!
Violist (?!?), hairdresser, jeweller, diplomat, actor (?@#!?), receptionist, auctioneer, appraiser, hostess, make-up artist, TV announcer, photographic model(ano daw?!?), plastic surgeon, artist, guide, lawyer, judge. Employment agency, marriage bureau, beauty specialist, ballet dancer. Salesman of luxuriously articles or home furnishing. Professions where beauty (ows?!?)and contractual qualities play a role.
Love life:
It is not easy for Libra to live alone, they need somebody else to feel happy, need a lot of attention and compliments, want to be desired most of the time and to be attached and adored (painstakingly true!matulog nga lang mag-isa di ko carry…dati. huhuhu)Libra will find another lover if there is a quarrel and disharmony or when the attention to the relationship diminishes (I beg to differ ha.). Libra has the inclination to spoil the loved one (super spoiled...as in! Talk about generosity). They love to have a partner who is wealthy, because they need much for themselves, loves luxury, beautiful things, nice and expensive food and especially beautiful clothes(ano ito!gold-digger ang drama? “Loves beautiful clothes”-dito lang tumama eh! ). Libra are condescending, even-tempered, elusive, need harmonious relationships, are attentive in love(oh so true), but not always faithful(oist! Soooo not true! Forever faithful ako!).
Suitable life partner: Gemini and Aquarius.
colour: bright green(eeek!), pink, purple (at talagang isiningit ito)
stone: jade, emerald, turquoise, adventuring (?!@#???!)
fauna: deer, nightingale, dove, lizard, snake
flora: wild berry, violet, lily of the valley, white lilac, lilies(ang galing! Lilies are my absolute fave flowers!)
country: Austria, Egypt
metal: copper
lucky#: 6 and 9
day: Friday
sport: surfing
tarot card: justice
planet: Venus(at magmaganda daw talaga.hehe)
colour: bright green(eeek!), pink, purple (at talagang isiningit ito)
stone: jade, emerald, turquoise, adventuring (?!@#???!)
fauna: deer, nightingale, dove, lizard, snake
flora: wild berry, violet, lily of the valley, white lilac, lilies(ang galing! Lilies are my absolute fave flowers!)
country: Austria, Egypt
metal: copper
lucky#: 6 and 9
day: Friday
sport: surfing
tarot card: justice
planet: Venus(at magmaganda daw talaga.hehe)
haha! nice post! naka-smile ako the whole time sa commentary mo! hehehehe!